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  • Excellent view

    By my Baby Blues
    Tale told so well . Gives a glimpse of history and present yet holds a very endearing love.
  • The perfect Hope

    By Ankonika
    Shocking boring.
  • Grand story

    By Wool Creator
    Nora, you are a grand story teller. Many thanks for my hours of reading pleasure.
  • In Boonsboro Trilogy

    By Peggy Topp
    Nora Roberts never fails. From magic Irish families to a beautiful “ghost story,” she catches your attention and ultimately grabs your heart with her amazing gift of words.
  • Perfect closure!

    By Julzweaver
    Perfect closure!
  • The Perfect Hope

    By CMRosebaom
    I’ve read the first sometime ago and enjoyed this one just as much as I enjoyed the others. I thought the way the past and the present and a ghost was well developed although it did’t until the end of the book.
  • Amazing!

    By May Vieira
    The trilogy is absolutely lovely. This book, in particular, made me cry many times. Nora's always dead-on writing keeps getting better and better every time I have the delightful chance to sample it!
  • Magical and fantastic

    By Dpaoletta
    Wonderful wonderful wonderful!!! Just sucked me in and pulled me right along. Fantastic read!
  • Unbelievably wonderful!!!

    By Harley-girl1
    I knew this trilogy would be wonderful because Nora Roberts wrote them. But they were so much better than wonderful! I felt like I was a part of each one. Very sad to have finished them. Thank you Ms. Roberts for more wonderful reading.
  • The Perfect Hope

    By Northwest Reader
    After enjoying the first two books in this series, I was looking forward to Hope's and Ryder's story. What a disappointment - it almost left me a little angry. I actually skimmed the book a second time to see if I had missed something. The author did not give this her all - perhaps because it was the final book. Hope and Ryder have a series of "booty calls" and in the last few pages decide that, oh well, guess we love each other. If there were tender moments, I missed them. I got no feeling for when Hope was falling in love with Ryder and he with her. The ghost story aspect is slightly interesting; I flipped through those pages at the end without reading them at all - still waiting for the point where Ryder and Hope realize how much they care for each other. That never happened. I actually wish Nora Roberts could rewrite this book and give it a little romance. I found very little. All of that said, I have kept some of Nora Roberts other books to read over and over again because I liked them so much.
