The Dark Tower VI - Stephen King

The Dark Tower VI

By Stephen King

  • Release Date: 2004-06-08
  • Genre: Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 888 Ratings


The penultimate volume in the Dark Tower series, The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah, a #1 New York Times bestseller, is a pivotal installment in the epic saga.

Set in a world of extraordinary circumstances, filled with stunning visual imagery and unforgettable characters, the Dark Tower series is unlike anything you have ever read. Here is the penultimate installment.


  • Of course it’s good, it’s a Stephen King book!

    By Asdh123
    Rereading the DT series since I was younger and not so mature. So good!
  • Boring and Obvious

    By keidalgrim
    Here's the plot. Ka-tet goes through door in cave and finds themselves in elsewheres. The rest of the book is spent either walking a couple blocks in New York, or meeting with SK in Maine. That's all, folks. Unfortunately, you got to go through this one to get to the end. Meh.
  • My least favorite, so far in the series

    By Boston Bluestocking
    And the most like Steven King at his most self-indulgent. I have thought this series has included some of King's finest, least gimmicky writing, especially DK 4&5. It's an incredibly sprawling, undisciplined series, though. Just because this is an epic ( and can now be read uninterrupted) these volumes should at least end at a reasonable stopping point, have some kind of natural arc. Up till now, the Waste Lands was my least favorite for that reason, but at least there was some fine storytelling. This is a hiccup of unformed plot between volumes, some really uninteresting writing, and a massive injection of pure Steven King ego. I won't give any spoilers, but I am hopeful the last volume, after so many pages of mostly happy investment, is not this disappointing.
  • VI

    By Gghggggggrrrr
    Once again I am drawn into the Gunslingers tale. My IPad has made going through the series painless. I'm not frustrated by some of the loose endings, because I can download the next book immediately. I am already mourning the completion of the set as I begin the final novel. I am grateful to be reading them now, as I might have felt differently if I was forced to wait years between. These books are amazing not only for the characters or the tale, but because they alter your perception of reality. Enjoy.
  • Cool

    By Cissy Cervantes
    Well worth the time. It takes a bit of getting use to but it is the 6th book of the series if you aren't use to reading it then start back from the gunslinger and work your way back to this one.
  • Bit of a mess

    By James Sumners
    While still a good book, this one is a bit off. I take one star away because of the formatting. None of the paragraphs are indented, and they run together making it a confusing read at times. I take the second star away because I'm not fond of the way the story incorporates something I don't think it should have.
