Laurie - Stephen King


By Stephen King

  • Release Date: 2018-09-21
  • Genre: Mysteries & Thrillers
Score: 3.5
From 44 Ratings


Quando sua sorella Beth si presenta con una cagnolina, la prima reazione di Lloyd - vedovo da sei mesi, solo e senza figli - è di rifiuto. Il lutto gli ha tolto forze e desideri: già gli pesa occuparsi di se stesso, gestire un cane sarebbe impensabile. Ma la paziente fiducia della cucciola e i modi perentori della sorella - Una persona in lutto ha bisogno di qualcosa per tenere la mente occupata - hanno ben presto la meglio sulla fragile determinazione di Lloyd. Rimasti soli, l'uomo e la cagnetta - che Lloyd ha chiamato Laurie - imparano a conoscersi, scoprendo insieme il piacere di semplici riti condivisi. Fra questi, la passeggiata lungo il canale. Un sentiero tranquillo, che però un giorno diventa teatro di un evento atroce, a cui né Lloyd né Laurie erano preparati...

Delizioso e terrificante, un regalo di King ai lettori italiani, in occasione dell'uscita del nuovo romanzo The Outsider.


  • The reviews are painful to read.

    By Simply Benny
    But since I can read ITALIAN. I read the book instead.
  • Cannot read Spanish....did not know was not in English. Diane Law

    By Snowdisberry
    Can not read Spanish. Thought was in English. Diane Law
  • Love it

    By Eleides
    I love it . This book is in Spanish get the audio in English . Please don’t complain you have to read all the information about the book before you download .
  • It didn't say it was Spanish before I bought it

    By 🐊🐍🐉🦈🦈🐉🐍🐊
    The book is Spanish and it didn't even say!!! This book is a let down but don't get me wrong, all his other books are AMAZING, this just ain't for me cuz I don't speak Spanish 😆
  • I’m confused

    By islallalal
    How do you change it too English I’m new too this app and I’m confused I’m gonna give it four stars cause I love Stephen king but I can’t read it someone help me
  • If you don’t know Spanish don’t get the Spanish version of a book

    By falls_dream
    This is a great book, if you can’t read Spanish then don’t get the Spanish version then rate it one star. Common sense tells you it’s not in English just by looking at the cover and reading the description.
  • Laurie

    By okayntexas
    Why is this not in english?
  • King is a master in any language

    By Issy's MomMom
    It kills me that people download a book in another language then complain they can’t read it! Get the English version before you rate it one star simply because you don’t know how to read Spanish or French.
  • the cover is in english

    By sydhau
    when you actually try to read it though, its either french or spanish.
  • Can’t read it

    By Avster2309
    I cannot read the story either
