Cat Tales - Rosemary Bach-Holzer

Cat Tales

By Rosemary Bach-Holzer

  • Release Date: 2013-07-09
  • Genre: Humor


Cat Tales is an accumulation of real-life stories, some going back years, some more recent. The tales appear in no specific order or time frame so you can jump in anywhere and be able to follow what’s going on.

Embellished? Only a tad! That’s what makes it so daunting.

I’m going to kick things off on a potentially painful note.

When sharing your home with a cat it’s advisable to remove anything that dangles. For instance, your dressing gown cord or that loose piece of cotton you’ve been meaning to repair otherwise you’ll find it being swatted with a well-aimed paw with claws that may or may not be retracted.

Note to all men: don’t even think of walking about the house naked.

Cat lovers will chuckle and nod their heads in acknowledgement whilst cat haters will be delighted to have their suspicions confirmed.

Cats are too weird.

Take a break. Get comfy. Get a cuppa, and have a slurp and have a chuckle.
Happy reading,
