Superman enters the post-CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS age with this limited series by superstar John Byrne introducing an all-new origin tale that gives a completely different take on the early days of the Man of Steel and his home planet of Krypton!
Neil Gaiman, Michael Allred, Gary Amaro, Mark Buckingham, Dick Giordano, Steve Leialoha, Vince Locke, Bryan Talbot, John Watkiss, Michael Zulli & Stephen King
Ed Brubaker, Dennis O'Neil, Greg Rucka, Scott Beatty, Scott McDaniel, Kilian Plunkett, Dave Johnson, Phil Hale, Dick Giordano, Tom Fowler & Rick Burchett
Doug Moench, Max Allan Collins, Mike Grell, Bob Layton, Jim Aparo, Bret Blevins, Norm Breyfogle, Tom Grummett, Mike Manley, George P�rez, Jim Balent, Eduardo Barreto & Dick Giordano
Bill Finger, Len Wein, Mike W. Barr, Doug Moench, A.J. Lieberman, Bob Kane, Sheldon Moldoff, Keith Giffen, Kelley Jones, Al Barrionuevo, Marshall Rogers & Dick Giordano
Jerry Ordway, Dennis O'Neil, Elliot S! Maggin, E. Nelson Bridwell, C.C. Beck, Bob Oksner, Dave Cockrum, Kurt Schaffenberger, Dick Giordano & Pat Broderick
Gerry Conway, David Anthony Kraft, Pablo Marcos, Ernie Chan, Rich Buckler, Dick Giordano, Terry Austin, Vince Colletta, Bob Layton, Joe Rubinstein, Bob McLeod, Al Milgrom & Dick Ayers
Alan Brennert, Len Wein, Mike W. Barr, Walter Gibson, Paul Levitz, Cary Bates, Dick Giordano, Carmine Infantino, Joe Kubert, José Luis García-López, Walt Simonson & Tom Yeates
Kelley Puckett, Paul Dini, Chuck Dixon, Devin Grayson, Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Damion Scott, Don Kramer, Dick Giordano, Greg Land, Cameron Stewart & Michael Lark
Dan Jurgens, Karl Kesel, David Michelinie, Louise Simonson, Roger Stern, Dick Giordano, Jon Bogdanove, John Byrne, Nick Cardy, Kieron Dwyer, Ron Frenz, Kerry Gammill, Tom Grummett, Stuart Immonen, Gil Kane, Barry Kitson, Jim Mooney, Al Plastino, Paul Ryan & Curt Swan