The Patriot's Field Manual - Major William J. Ostan (U.S. Army Retired)

The Patriot's Field Manual

By Major William J. Ostan (U.S. Army Retired)

  • Release Date: 2023-08-27
  • Genre: Political Science


We are engaged in a war for the soul of America that is being fought on the battlefield of ideas. Many patriots are wondering: will the greatest country in the history of mankind succumb to leftist, neo-Marxist ideologies and be destroyed forever, or will we fulfill the dream of the founding generation by following their brilliant blueprint for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The answer is simple. It’s up to us. Every single one of us, beginning at the local level. The time has come for every conservative American citizen to act courageously. As Benjamin Franklin once explained to a woman in Philadelphia, the United States of America was at its inception, and will always be, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Penned by a decorated combat veteran in collaboration with the team that produced the Red White & Blueprint documentary series, The Patriot’s Field Manual is a philosophical and practical playbook that every patriot can use to effectuate transformative change in their local community. The words on these pages are full of honor for the Founders and unashamed love for the United States of America. The time for abdication has passed. The time for action is now. If we do our duty, then America shall be saved!
