Million Dollar Weekend - Noah Kagan & Tahl Raz

Million Dollar Weekend

By Noah Kagan & Tahl Raz

  • Release Date: 2024-01-30
  • Genre: Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Score: 4.5
From 35 Ratings



The founder and CEO of, Noah Kagan, knows how to launch a seven-figure business in a single weekend—and he’s done it seven times. Million Dollar Weekend will show you how.

Now is the best time in history for entrepreneurship. More than ever, the world needs new businesses and it’s cheaper than ever to create them.

And, let’s be frank: most day jobs suck. People spend too much time doing too much work for too little money—and they know it. They want out.

But, if the barriers to starting a business are getting lower and lower, why is it SO HARD TO DO for SO MANY PEOPLE? Why are there so many wantrepreneurs playing at business on social media and so few entrepreneurs actually running them? 

Ask yourself: 

Do you want to work for yourself, or start a side-hustle, but it all feels too risky and unpredictable?  Have you spent time or money on things like websites and logos, but still have no customers?  Are you brainstorming endlessly and waiting for the perfect idea to strike? 
All those Frequent Excuses are solvable. The plan is simple—so simple it can be completed in a single weekend, but so powerful that Kagan has used it to build seven businesses now worth more than $1 million: 

Find your Creator’s Courage to overcome your fear and have fun! Use the "Million Dollar Weekend" Process to get customers EXCITED to give you money. Automate your business so it can grow while you sleep. 
By Monday, you’ll have a market-tested, scalable business idea and you’ll be a entrepreneur on the path to seven figures. Million Dollar Weekend is the path to creating your dream life and attaining financial freedom. LFG.


  • Worth the read.

    By kmccormack91
    Just Finished Part One, definitely worth a read and looking forward to the rest. Enjoy the celebration Noah ;) (If you know, you know)
  • Incredible Wisdom.

    By Terrell T.
    I cannot wait to implement the strategy of being rejected, and having rejection goals… because we naturally stray away from pain, instead of seeking it. Thank you for this book. It is needed for every entrepreneur. ❤️‍🔥🤞🏼
  • Not how, now!

    By ronlobo
    Just a few chapters in, sipping on my coffee and about to ask for my 10% discount :) Insightful blueprint for getting out of your comfort zone and get to work. Thanks Noah and everyone who was involved putting this together!
  • Great read!

    By Gerardchristina
    I’m enjoying this book so far only a few chapters in and I’m already feeling challenged and closer to the next step for my goals! I didn’t think the Cash App request would work, but gave it a go. I guess I have more chutzpah than I thought
  • What a book for entrepreneurs!

    By TWIT Gone South
    Noah has done an amazing job creating a book that releases the world of options for a business. Do all the steps and you on the road to joy, happiness and confidence.
  • A step-by-step playbook for success

    By tiscopero
    In Million Dollar Weekend, Noah Kagan boils down the process of starting a business quickly and with minimal resources to its finest, inevitable components. After reading this book, there is only one reason left on the table why someone following this playbook might not find success: you don’t actually want it. The book outlines a journey starting at the entrepreneur’s Day One. He teaches you how to come up with ideas, validate them, and start making money from them right away, leaving plenty of room for error and experimentation in these early stages. Then, once your Million Dollar Idea is off the ground, he gives you strategies for nurturing it to its full potential. Finally — and charmingly — Kagan makes it clear that the objective isn’t to get as rich as possible (unless that’s what you want) but that the goal here is personal freedom, the ability to craft a life that you are thrilled to live. While this path still may not be for everyone, the author makes it astoundingly clear that it is not as far out of reach as many people tend to think.
  • I had to buy this book

    By zzzz0601
    Noah, first of all, thanks for opening my eyes. You’ve already changed my life and you will continue to do so with this book. I’m usually very stingy on buying books so I initially checked this book out from a public library. But as I read it I knew I had to buy this one, cuz I really need to start acting on it, not simply reading it. This book got all the steps I need to take. I just need to put the lessons into actions. Hopefully I can share my own journey and accomplishments following your instructions soon. Let’s do NOW, not how!
  • Just Do It.

    By CTS_G8R
    75% of the way through the book. I’m a semi/mostly-retired, ex-public company C-level exec. I’ve always wanted to have my own business - I’ve been a “wantrepreneur.” While I’ve enjoyed a lot of career success, I’ve always gotten in my own way as far as starting real business because I wanted to have the product or service fully “baked” before I went out and got customers. Million Dollar weekend is showing me how to get going now and get out of my own way. I’m more excited than ever, and will be launching “Career Like A Boss” over the next week using these principles. Thank you for writing this book!
  • Inspiring words!

    By DBarr_94
    Definitely needed this with where I’m at in life currently and I can’t wait to see where it takes me after applying the knowledge given! If you’re looking for a reason to buy, let this review be your reason and your sign!
