Smolder - Laurell K. Hamilton


By Laurell K. Hamilton

  • Release Date: 2023-03-21
  • Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Score: 4
From 224 Ratings


Vampire hunter Anita Blake is no stranger to killing monsters. It’s part of her job as a Preternatural U.S. Marshal, after all. But even her experience isn’t enough to stop something that is bent on destroying everything—and everyone—she loves.
Anita Blake is engaged to Jean-Claude, the new vampire king of America. Humans think she’s gone over to the side of the monsters. The vampires fear that their new king has fallen under the spell of the most powerful necromancer in a thousand years.
In the midst of wedding preparations—including getting Edward, aka U.S. Marshal Ted Forrester, fitted as best man—Anita gets a call that the local police need her expertise at a brutal murder scene linked to a nationwide slaughter of vampires and humans, dubbed the Sunshine Murders.
But there is more than just a murderer to catch: an ancient evil has arrived in St. Louis to challenge Jean-Claude for his crown, his life, Anita, and all they hold dear. Even with Jean-Claude’s new powers as king and Anita’s necromancy, it isn’t enough; they must embrace their triumvirate or allow primeval darkness to spread across the country, possessing first the vampires and then the humans. Evil will triumph unless Jean-Claude and Anita can prove that love conquers all.


  • Save your money.

    By Cheryla61
    Boring. This feels dry, and no care in the characters. No storyline.
  • Slow and disappointing

    By Dr. Ricojones
    This book moved so slow it was hard to get through. Way too much of the book was boring relationship talk with every single character that had nothing to do with the actual story or events. It took over half of the book for any story to develop. Basically this book could be summarized in one short page and it would save you a lot of time. I used to love these books but they have gotten boring and repetitive. Get back to telling stories and fighting bad guys that’s the Anita we love. More necromancy and Edward would make it way better. Tone down the relationship and therapy talk it is excessive and honestly very boring to read.
  • Couples therapy in a supernatural setting

    By valhopes
    I loved the first dozen or so books of this series but lately the topics and style of writing have drastically changed. I think this book clenched it for me that I’m done with the series. This book is 80% group therapy, 10% action, 10% romantic erotica. It’s like a self help/therapy book that just happens to be set in a parallel universe with supernatural beings. Gone are the days of gun fights, heavy action scenes, sex and supernatural experiences dominating these books. Now they are passive aggressive approach to group therapy centered around polygamy and childhood drama. If you are into melodrama, wedding planning, and need counseling you will love this book. If you are looking for the strong kick butt heroine that marches to her own beat from the beginning of the series, than pass this book up she is no longer that character. To say I’m disappointed would be an understatement. Please Laurell just end the series and stop over developing these characters.
  • Why?

    By Mer99
    This book feels very unfinished. There are so many loose ends I cannot believe it’s considered a book and not a “novella.”
  • Wait for it to be in second hand store

    By ReallyMustNotWantMyView
    No plot, no storyline, a waste of money. It was as short a book you buy for 4.99$. Very disappointed, i could tell you the whole story just in this review and still have space left over. I wish i could just give 1/4 star
  • Meh

    By 20reader23
    Not worth $15.
  • No Substance

    By DDVAB
    So change shoes, please. How many times do we have to hear her shoes hurt? And why the sudden ending? It’s like it’s an unfinished story. Disappointed with this book. The author could have done better.
  • Rehash, same same

    By Marmarbella
    We spent most of the book rehashing the same issues that have been rehashed and rehashed in so many books. I skipped so many parts because it was the same thing. It’s way past time to put those issues to rest and come up with new issues to deal with.
  • Disappointing

    By The other other Moose
    Very disappointed in this book. Spent 200 pages reading about Anita complaining about her shoes. Should have just taken them off right away, maybe something of substance could have happened then. Where has Anita the warrior gone? She is now Anita the complainer. She’s been living with the same groups for years, does she really need to be reminded about everything all the time? “They can hear you…” Is she really that forgetful? And nothing happened in this book, nothing, and ended so suddenly. Agree with other reviewers, there are perhaps 2-3 chapters worth of good reading in this one. Wait for a sale, not worth the full price.
  • Unfinished

    By Ivy sable
    Too many loose ends, too much over analyzing everything. I still read these hoping Anita gets back to more marshaling, necromancy, fighting. Alas I don’t think that will happen.
