Lone Point - Grace Livingston Hill

Lone Point

By Grace Livingston Hill

  • Release Date: 2013-04-22
  • Genre: Romance
Score: 4
From 17 Ratings


Lone Point is a sweet romance by Grace Livingston Hill.

RACHEL HAMMOND sat by the open window with her Bible on her knee. The muslin curtains did not blow with the breeze, for there was no breeze that hot morning in June. The air seemed breathless. Rachel had put her pretty room in order, finished all her little morning duties, and now had sat down for a quiet minute with her Bible before she began the day.
Her sister Maria, two years older, sat in the adjoining room, her door open for all possible circulation of air. Indeed the door between the sisters’ rooms was scarcely ever shut by day or by night. But Maria was trimming a hat instead of reading her Bible. Not that Maria did not read her Bible, for she did, but she never had a set, quiet time for doing it as Rachel had.
The hat was a white sailor and had been very stylish and consequently very expensive earlier in the season, but now the mass of people......
