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Doctor Who: The Angel's Kiss - Justin Richards

Doctor Who: The Angel's Kiss

By Justin Richards

  • Release Date: 2012-10-04
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Score: 4
From 199 Ratings


On some days, New York is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
This was one of the other days…

Melody Malone, owner and sole employee of the Angel Detective Agency, has an unexpected caller. It’s movie star Rock Railton, and he thinks someone is out to kill him. When he mentions the ‘kiss of the Angel’, she takes the case. Angels are Melody’s business…

At the press party for Railton’s latest movie, studio owner Max Kliener invites Melody to the film set of their next blockbuster. He’s obviously spotted her potential, and Melody is flattered when Kliener asks her to become a star. But the cost of fame, she’ll soon discover, is greater than anyone could possibly imagine.

Will Melody be able to escape Kliener’s dastardly plan – before the Angels take Manhattan?


  • Amazing but hate the complainers

    By Crazy fun lover girl152
    A great action filled book! If you love doctor who, this is your book! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE STOP COMPLAINING THAT IT WASNT LIKE THE EPISODE!!! It wasn't meant to be based on the episode! If you want it more like the episode, "The Angels Take Manhatten", GO WATCH IT
  • Great story, but not like the one in the show.

    By Whovian1129
    I am a gigantic Doctor Who fan, and I had just seen the episode that this book appears in, and i thought to myself, this would be an interesting book to read. I was, however, expecting it to follow the episode it appeared in featuring Amy, Rory, and the Doctor, but this was a wonderful book to read as it seems to be written as part of a larger series of novels about Melody Malone. Even though this was a disappointment, I still enjoyed it and I do recommend it to anyone.
  • Melody Malone mystery

    By Creeperfaces2232
    It's exiting fast paced and so relatable for me. It is a wonderful and action filled book

    By stuartba1968
  • Doctor Who

    By jerem23
    Loved it! If you like the show then you like the book!
  • Misleading - NOT Angel's Take Manhattan!

    By tornadoallie
    I bought this book thinking it was the novel from the Doctor Who episode The Angel's Take Manhattan; that is not the case. This is an entirely separate story under the same premise as A Melody Malone Mystery. It may be a great read, but be aware of what it is you're getting.
  • Great book but a prequel

    By Madison Figurate
    I bought this book thinking that it was the book The Doctor was reading in the episode "Angels Take Manhattan" and we would have all the chapters and characters that were in that episode and excerpts but it was more of a prequel with Melody Pond which was interesting and funny! So a little disappointing but still great!
  • Loved it

    By Katebugger
    What a fun read. I always get so excited when I see that River Song will be in an episode so I had to get this book right away! What a fun perspective of what River does when The Doctor is away. Please make a printed version of this so I can add it to my library!
  • What?

    By Fefii22
    Wheres the last page that Amy wrote? :C
  • Good, but not like on the show

    By Disappointed Vocera User
    More of a prequel than what was in The Angels take Manhattan.
