Frey - Melissa Wright


By Melissa Wright

  • Release Date: 2011-10-28
  • Genre: Epic Fantasy
Score: 4
From 2,543 Ratings


Nothing is as it seems.

Frey's life is a lie. She doesn't remember being bound from magic. She didn't intend to discover this dangerous secret, to get entangled in Council business. But she did.

And now she's on the run.

With the aid of a stranger, she discovers a world beyond the elves who bound her. But it's a world of shadows and dark magic, a world she's been warned not to trust. The farther she strays, the more she finds a forgotten past. As she fights to reclaim her true identity, Council trackers hunt her down.

If they find her, she will burn.

The stranger offers her a way out, but it's a path of no return. How do you know who to believe when you don't even know who you are?


  • Total page turner!

    By Karma4790
    Read this book in a week! I couldn’t put it down, it was so good! Loved it!
  • Frey

    By KRWTEC54
    Great read
  • Okay

    By Pocohonnah
    Good story but it is a little hard to follow sometimes. Definitely couldn’t put it down at some parts!
  • Good, left me wanting more

    By Jenn_68
    Watching Freya learn who she is as she is battling to keep her life was perfect. Her mind clears and she is remembering things that have been blocked from her. The artistry of the words was great. The scenery was set very well. You can visualize the people around her. The story line has some twists that aren’t expected. Love that! My only complaint was that it was too short. Ready to dive into book 2
  • Rambles on and on

    By Imperfect Artist
    The main Character Frey is a bad main character. She doesn’t have the curiosity that would allow the reader to gain new insights. She just sits there and lets the story pass her by. If she asks a question and the other characters brush her off or don’t answer it frey retreats into her mind and just RAMBLES. Soooo much rambling paragraphs. It’s literally so *ucking uneeded. The reader literally never gets any of the beginning questions answered. Ike I said a horrible main character. The lack of chapters makes transitions indistinguishable to freys rambling paragraphs. Much of this book is literally PAGES of frey rambling that you can just scroll past before a character talks again. They also never touch on why all of these people come together to back her. She has zero life purpose. Frey just simply exists. Really a terrible waste of your time. It would have been a great story if written by someone else or just written a lot better. The book is littered frequently with grammatical errors as well.
  • Frey

    By cj12406
    Great book in series. Terrific fantasy.
  • Captivating

    By wrmuny
    Very enjoyable story told at a pace that holds your attention.
  • Wonderful to read!

    By ryvonne12
    This book kept me in another world it is a real page turner ! Very glad I found it 🙏🏾
  • Frey

    By Just Me and Friends
    Very good read ! I could not but it down ❤️
  • Loooonnnnnnggggg !

    By PaperLady01
    The story itself is way tooooo long! What was it! Apparently a woman born of elf and human blood, jailed by her grandfather, because he wanted power! Only to find out he’d done it to her grandmother and mother as well! The 6 protectors and two wolves attempting to get her to someplace! Being attacked and bound by counselors! She didn’t trust any of them! Didn’t know who she was for 7/8ths of the story!! The plot was too long in forthcoming, I was bored most of the way thru only because it repeated events over and over again, but, changing the backdrop a little every time! Probably a good writer except her characters weren’t very well defined, their actions and feelings were muddled!! Sorry!
