Titanicus - Dan Abnett


By Dan Abnett

  • Release Date: 2009-12-01
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 115 Ratings


In between Gaunt’s Ghosts, Inquisition and Horus Heresy books, Dan’s also found time to write some standalone titles (though they’re usually linked to at least one of his series). Titanicus is one of the best, showing a world at war from the ground level and the towering perspective of the Imperium’s god-machines.

The Story
When the vital forge world of Orestes comes under attack by a legion of Chaos Titans, the planet is forced to appeal for help. The Titans of Legio Invicta, although fresh from combat and in desperate need of refit and repair, respond, committing their own force of war engines to the battle. As the god-machines stride to war, the world trembles, for the devastation they unleash could destroy the very world they have pledged to save.


  • One of Dan's Best!

    By Baziel41
    I've just finished reading Titanicus for the second time, and am still amazed at how well it was written. Other than trying to whittle down the story so that it could fit within a two hour, ten minute timeframe, a screenplay for this novel would be an incredibly easy feat in my opinion. The way Dan writes it, it's as if the reader is watching the events unfold on the big screen with every turn of the page. What's more, is that Dan has taken a subject matter based on a table top miniature war game, and artfully told a tale full of intrigue, compassion, and betrayal through masterful storytelling. For me, and I'm guessing this is true for many other readers, Dan has given us insight into a world that the many of us knew existed within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, but have only just wondered about. Until now. I could go on and on about how wonderful it was to imagine these colossal giants of metal and machine unleashing their terrible fury on those that oppose them. I could even speak of how mesmerizing the peak into the world of the Adeptus Mechanicus was, and how it brought to life a portion of the Warhammer 40,000 universe in a way that I had only scarcely imagined. Yet for me, while all of that was amazing to experience, what I enjoyed most was the telling of the story through the eyes of multiple characters who never knew each other existed, but as a whole felt the impact of the terrible events unfolding over the entire world they stood upon. Each of the characters, vibrant and colorful in their own unique way were a joy to learn about and see through their eyes, what life might have been like on just one Forge World in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. All of these characters, from a Senior Adept to a simple toy maker, are woven together in an magnificent tapestry of story. Fantastic! One of my favorite lines: Rikk! Rikk! Rikk!
  • Great

    By Kyp12345
    Massively awesome Titan battles mixed with great story and intriguing plot from measly reserve PDF to the princeps of a massive lingering Titan war machine . Awesome if you are familiar with 40k or not or even unfamiliar with epic or apocalypse expansions. Please read. Ps long book suggest reading it on trips and other long periods of time away from home
