Demons and DNA - Meghan Ciana Doidge

Demons and DNA

By Meghan Ciana Doidge

  • Release Date: 2019-04-30
  • Genre: Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 145 Ratings


We had run.
We had adapted.
And when our magic came back, we changed course again. Hiding instead of running, knowing that we needed to remain hidden from the Collective. Knowing that our lives, our freedom, depended on it.
Then the sorcerer showed up, drained and disoriented. And when my past came quickly following him, I had to make another choice.
Fight or flight.
Continue to deny the power that resided in my blood, in my DNA. Remain perpetually caught between being Amp5 and Emma Johnson. 
Or face my demons.
Demons and DNA by Meghan Ciana Doidge is the first novel (75k) in the Amplifier series, which is set in the Adept Universe along with the Dowser, the Oracle, and the Reconstructionist series.

Reading order of the Amplifier Series:
• The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)
• Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5)
• Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1)


  • The Past

    By math wizard
    What a very interesting story! What starts off really quiet goes to action packed in minutes! Emma is at a diner when in walks Aiden, a sorcerer. He approaches her and places a hand around her neck. Choking her no but what a beginning. Off to jail he goes but for some reason Emma is attracted to him and she goes to get information but ends up taking him home. Now Christopher is a clairvoyant who has foreseen that Aiden will be coming to the farm. But he has foreseen other things as well. The twists to the plot will keep you busy. Emma ‘s past as Amp5 will be showing up as well as other members of the group. Part of her past is a witch she thought was dead but not and the action will erupt very quickly. Is is an excellent story and I plan on reading the next in the series to see what will happen to Emma and Aiden and who else will show up at the life Emma has chosen on a farm.
  • Enjoyable series. I look forward to each chapter.

    By jk fan of all her works
    The author writes in a way that draws me into each character. I feel their excitement or anguish. I look forward to seeing their world unfold. I recommend this author and her Dowser series, Oracle and Reconstructionist series. She ties the characters together so that I look forward to each new book. Many characters and their little quirks I’m confident other readers will also enjoy these books.
