Against Time: A Seeders Universe Novel - Dean Wesley Smith

Against Time: A Seeders Universe Novel

By Dean Wesley Smith

  • Release Date: 2017-01-30
  • Genre: Science Fiction
Score: 4
From 221 Ratings


USA Today bestselling author Dean Wesley Smith returns to the world of Dust and Kisses with a new novel.

Paleontologist Callie Sheridan spent a few days deep in the Oregon Caves on a dig with three students from the University of Oregon. When they emerged, they found almost everyone in the world dead. Survival became her only thought.

Mathematician and galactic explorer Vardis Fisher dropped into orbit over a planet where almost all of the human life had been recently killed for no obvious reason. Suddenly, hundreds of other ships, all human, appear in orbit and start working to save the planet's remaining population.

Together, Callie and Fisher work to discover the secrets of a galaxy that has been hidden in plain sight, even from the powerful humans who rescued millions. And in the process, they just might change everything.


  • Against time. A seeders universe

    By zeusboo
    Quick easy fun read. Simplistic story line, but with some interesting sci-fi twist to it to make it an enjoyable read
  • Liked it

    By msd184
    Great book but like any series it left you in cliffhanger.
  • Wow! Simply refreshing!

    By Mech360
    This was.. all kinds of things. Cute and adorable, funny and endearing, sad yet triumphant. Yes, this book’s plot revolves around a tragic happenstance, a natural disaster. The pivotal time frame that sets a sad or scary backdrop for the story. Beautifully, however, is that background is the only hardship. Most writers feel the need to have battles against another party, an adversary, an antagonist. In this book, every single character was wonderful and caring and honest. It was such a joy to read!
  • Good quick read of sci-for genre.

    By Galdalf, the Great White Ninja
    Nicely done, not a really tough read to get someone hooked on Sci-fi genre. This is a good lead into the Seeder universe. Some of the advanced scientific explanations and devices are just a little too convenient for my tastes, but they keep the story moving. I haven’t read the remainder of the series but hope these characters continue to become fleshed out. Just a short unsatisfying swim in the shallow end for my tastes….but that’s on me.
  • Seeders novel

    By jdt_s
    Gardening with flora and fauna and humans is the premise here. Interesting philosophy and works historically.
  • Shallow and simple

    By Robert the Red
    Shallow characters. About 1 molecule deep. Simple plot. About like a cartoon show for 9 year olds.
  • Yes

    By Tex jj
    Loved it. Humans have way to much “oppositional disorder” for it to be natural
