Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich

By Napoleon Hill

  • Release Date: 2024-11-05
  • Genre: Self-Improvement
Score: 4.5
From 169 Ratings


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is one of the bestselling motivational books of all-time. Inspired by a suggestion from industrialist Andrew Carnegie, Hill explains the philosophy that helped the wealthiest and most accomplished members of society succeed.


  • Great

    By Tumer56
    One of the greatest books of all time one who will make you come back and read it.
  • A Treasure!

    By RShastri1
    A book full of valuable information, if only one KNOWS how to apply the “power of thinking.” The key essentially lies within each individual to be willing to transform his or her inner self. Only then, the value of this book can be measured. Otherwise, one will not see the hidden value of this treasure. The interesting thing is that these tools have been available to mankind since 1937, yet so many people struggle to find solutions for their financial scarcity.
  • Transformative

    By DeeMoneyyy
    Excellent read. Read a sample of the book first and immediately after reading was more aware of certain aspects of life around me. Copped the book. Extremely helpful, daily, read; witnessing my life transform.
  • Great book

    By skateboard steeze
  • dont bother!

    By Astral wolf
    Unless you subscribe to magical thinking, stay away from this book. It does not tell you a thing on how to get rich except - believe you will be rich and keep at it!
  • Eye Opening

    By Sk415sss
    Learned some very valuable insights about the truth of our reality. Topics like positivity can influence one’s life greatly and it’s important to keep cultivating and engraving it throughout our daily lives. I was able to analyze my own life from different perspectives and how I perceive the world and environment around me. Also while reading this book found ways to help with the adjustments needed to improve my way of life. Overall, I’m happy I found this book. Highly recommend!
