1911 Encyclopedia Britannica - Britannica

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

By Britannica

  • Release Date: 1911-01-01
  • Genre: Encyclopedias


The 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition is a 29-volume reference work. It was developed during the process of transitioning from being a British to an American publication. Many of its articles were written by the best-known scholars of that time. This edition of the encyclopedia is now in the public domain, and has been used extensively by Wikipedia.


  • The Book won’t load

    By 9 Ether Being
    Every time I open the book it doesn’t load
  • 👎🏾

    By Pughbear69
    I loaded this encyclopedia to have as reference. It didn't load right I turned off iPad. Then turned back on it didn't want to show pages.
