Quran Facts: A Scientific Overview - M. Kemal Irmak

Quran Facts: A Scientific Overview

By M. Kemal Irmak

  • Release Date: 2017-11-04
  • Genre: Life Sciences


The book describes the embryological aspects of the Virgin Birth of Jesus in which both egg and sperm come from Mary; the Second Coming of Jesus from a different mother; birth of St. John with no maternal genome; and birth of Jacob as a copy (clone) of his father Isaac. Scientific evaluation of a number of verses in Quran is also described as follows: genome transfer through breast-feeding and gene therapy by wet-nurse; positive effects of ablution and prayer on brain health; fasting - health link and underlying mechanisms leading to hypertension in abdominal obesity; world of demons, their effects on humans and how to live away from demons; presence of twelve planets around the Sun; Solar System as the first heaven of seven heavens in the universe; cosmic doomsday by a Big Rip; the period after the Doomsday; resurrection through embryonic cells; plain of Resurrection and Gathering; Paradise with two parts and eight layers; and Hell with 19. The time of ensoulment is also explained in the light of verses.
