Kiss Me Crazy - Vanessa Vale

Kiss Me Crazy

By Vanessa Vale

  • Release Date: 2017-10-23
  • Genre: Western Romance
Score: 4.5
From 110 Ratings


One night with two cowboys. It’ll never be enough.

A wild, snowy night stranded in a hotel room with two sexy men is perfect for Avery. She believes in flirting and flings, not relationships. Except those two cowboys aren’t strangers, they’re from her Montana hometown. When they see her at her sister’s wedding, they try to change her mind about the one “f” word she avoids: fiancés. Because they’ll do everything they can to make her theirs. Permanently.


  • Cowboys are the Best!!!

    By Latrinaj
    “Kiss Me Crazy is the sixth in a series of books set in Bridgewater county, Montana. “The Bridgewater Way” is the sharing of two men to one woman. To care for her, love her protect her and make her their wife. Ms. Vale also wrote a series of eight books under the same premis, called, “Bridgewater Menage Series” set n the 1800’s (don’t quote me), on a ranch spread named, Bridgewater. Avery is an independent, sassy, on night stand travel journalist. Avery’s had a crush on Jackson and Dash in High School and they on her. Avery is reintroduced to them at a Minneapolis airport on her way to Bridgewater County for her sister’s wedding. Avery comees from a dysfunctional, lack of love family, which has made her swear off forming any kind of committed relationship so she wanted a one night stand, but Jackson and Dash want her for keeps. Dash is the surly one but both Dash and Jaxkson are possessive, sex, dominate and rought. They’re loking for love and they found it in Avery. They both live in Bridewater County and are business partners at their own veterinary practice. They’re both Bridgewater men through and through. They find their woman, they claim her and they love her. The classics almost always work especially if it has two dominate, and sexy men chasing a feisty woman, more the better. Boys ask girl to stay and let them love her, girl wants her independence and thinks she will have the dsyfunctional relationship her parents and now her sister has. So girl leaves for the airport to board an airplane to some far off county, boys run after her to keep her safe, girl never gets on plane and they meet at the airport when girl decides to return home to them. Then girl and boys can’t wait to get home so they make love in the closest hotel room. Right of the bat, this book gives you exactly what the men want, the One. So get ready to reread some chapters, becaue you can’t believe they did it and said it. The book made my heart rate speed up. I found myself laughing, smiling and gushing. I wanted to get to the end and at the same time, I dian’t want the book to end. There was the right amount of sex scense, not too much, but just enough.
