Mature Parenting Workbook - Kosjenka Muk

Mature Parenting Workbook

By Kosjenka Muk

  • Release Date: 2016-03-15
  • Genre: Parenting


There are many books about communicating with children, taking care of them and exercising healthy discipline. This book is about something else – issues which influence your parenting unconsciously.

The way you grew up has a huge influence on your parenting style and your emotional reactions to your children. Some people are aware that their emotions and behavior are not as healthy as they would like - but they don't know what else to do, or they find it very difficult to change their behavior. Why do some parents resent their children, or feel guilty about every imperfection, or feel attached to their children in unhealthy ways? This is a book about many such unconscious issues that often remain unrecognized - but have heavy consequences.
