Deathfire - Nick Kyme


By Nick Kyme

  • Release Date: 2015-06-27
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 71 Ratings


Vulkan lies in state beneath the Fortress of Hera, and yet many of his sons still refuse to believe that he is truly dead. After a seemingly miraculous rescue by the Ultramarines, Artellus Numeon, once captain of the Pyre Guard, urges the other Salamanders on Macragge to leave Imperium Secundus and return their primarch’s body to the home world of Nocturne – there to be reborn in the flames of Mount Deathfire. But Numeon grapples endlessly with his doubts and fears for the future of the Legion, while their foes seek to carve out new destinies of their own...

Read it because
The Salamanders embark upon an odyssey across the galaxy. Primarchs, daemons and haunting visions bar their path and a physical journey becomes an emotional one as Numeon and his brothers struggle to reconcile Vulkan’s seeming death with their certainty that he will return. And let’s not forget the massive battle as the Death Guard invade Nocturne…


  • Weak

    By hostapasta
    Flows poorly. Non sequiturs galore. I really would like to like the salamanders but wanted then to just die off in the end. The book would be ok for a few bucks but iBooks for $15+? Please. Don’t waste your money.
  • Death and fire

    By Shmiisme
    Absolutely loved this one always a fan of the salamanders but this story had me hooked. Took me only a few days to read the whole thing from demons to death guard brutal battle fire and death. Unto the anvil brothers
  • Deathfire.....more like awesome sauce!

    By Rabid Kitten!
    (Spoiler Alert) N. Kyme really nailed this one. Deathfire delves into the heart and soul of the Fireborn. Artellus Numeon develops into one of those Heresy heroes that you remember, up there with Aeonid Thiel and Nykona Sharrowkyn. He departs Macragge with Vulkan (still dead) and the Salamander remnants on the battle barge Charybdis (cool name, I know) and is immediately beset by traitors who want the fulgurite spear. During this crazy (sorta feels like Battle for the Abyss / Flight of the Eisenstein) warp flight the Salamanders get help from two unlikely sources (not going to spoil these). Numeon faces many challenges of leadership while trying to bolster his mentally defeated brothers and ultimately wins his biggest victory by restoring the faith of his battle brothers and stomping the tar out of the Death Guard and Word Bearers. The end --- well you're just going to have to pay the $15 to find out if.........VULKAN LIVES!!!!
