The Boys of 1861 - Charles Carleton Coffin

The Boys of 1861

By Charles Carleton Coffin

  • Release Date: 2015-02-11
  • Genre: History


The Boys of 1861
Charles Carleton Coffin, american journalist, Civil War correspondent, author and politician (1823-1896)

This ebook presents «The Boys of 1861», from Charles Carleton Coffin. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected.

Table of Contents
- About This Book
- Prefatory Note
- Introductory
- Around Washington
- Bull Run
- The Fall Of 1861
- Affairs In The West
- Central Kentucky
- The Opening Of The Campaign In Tennessee
- Pittsburg Landing Fort Pillow And Memphis
- Invasion Of Maryland
- Invasion Of Kentucky
- From Harper's Ferry To Fredericksburg
- Battle Of Fredericksburg
- The Winter At Falmouth
- Chancellorsville
- Cavalry Operations
- The Atlantic Coast
- The Ironclads In Action
- The Invasion Of Pennsylvania
- The Battle Of Gettysburg
- From The Rapidan To Cold Harbor
- To Petersburg
- Siege Operations
- Third Invasion Of Maryland
- Sherman's Army
- Christianity And Barbarism
- Scenes In Savannah
- Sherman In South Carolina
- South Carolina Before The War
- Sumter
- Charleston
- The Last Campaign
- Richmond
- The Confederate Loan
- Surrender Of Lee
- Conclusion
- Footnotes
