Twelve Years a Slave - Solomon Northup & Abraham Lincoln

Twelve Years a Slave

By Solomon Northup & Abraham Lincoln

  • Release Date: 2013-10-27
  • Genre: Politics & Current Events
Score: 4.5
From 126 Ratings


Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup is a memoir of a black man who was born free in New York state but kidnapped, sold into slavery and kept in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana before the American Civil War. He provided details of slave markets in Washington, DC, as well as describing at length cotton cultivation on major plantations in Louisiana.


  • TaxCPA

    By Houston CPA
    This book was a great read. Sadly, works like this and other prolific, firsthand account writings are not commonly apart of high school required readings. Please read this and educate others with your takeaway. Best, TaxCPA
  • Ecellent read!!!!

    By Music Appreciation Junkie
    I felt every heart break, disappointment, fear, loneliness, uncertainty, pain that Mr. Solomon felt throughout his uneventful journey. I'm so HAPPY to know that he had such a great ending! Thank God for the brave & caring Mr. Bass, he was a true heaven send!!
  • Excellent Book

    By Gratie 23
    Well-written account of the horrors of slavery. Very interestingly presented, with good characterizations. It would be difficult to dispute the authenticity of Solomon's portrayal, as he writes with the clear-headedness of an intelligent man who has no "axe to grind," but who is merely stating the facts of his life. I enjoyed reading it, even though the atrocities of mankind toward mankind are Painful to behold. It is imperative that we all remember the depths to which humankind can sink.
  • 12Years a Slave

    By Stolen and enslaved
    Again I write: This engrossing book certainly enlightened me to the atrocities of slavery in America's history. Written by an obviously intelligent mind of the tenacious Solomon Northrup, it is high on my shelf of best books ever.
  • 5 stars!!!!

    By Sangonzalez
    Excellent!! A must read!
  • Twelve years a slave

    By Bray dead
    This story was a perfect reflection of life's twists and turns. We live and learn!
  • Phenomenal!

    By acoalbiter
    Clear & concise account of horrendous experience living through 12 years being a slave.
