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Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 207 - Neil Clarke, Thoraiya Dyer, Fiona Moore, Kelsea Yu, Ng Yi-Sheng, Samara Auman, Angela Liu, Fu Qiang & Ryan Cole

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 207

By Neil Clarke, Thoraiya Dyer, Fiona Moore, Kelsea Yu, Ng Yi-Sheng, Samara Auman, Angela Liu, Fu Qiang & Ryan Cole

  • Release Date: 2023-12-01
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Clarkesworld is a Hugo and World Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine. Each month we bring you a mix of fiction, articles, interviews and art. Our December 2023 issue (#207) contains:

•Original fiction by Fiona Moore ("Morag's Boy"), Samara Auman ("Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Cyborg"), Kelsea Yu ("In Memories We Drown"), Ryan Cole ("Waffles Are Only Goodbye for Now"), Ng Yi-Sheng ("The World's Wife"), Angela Liu ("The Last Gamemaster in the World"), Fu Qiang ("Kill That Groundhog"), and Thoraiya Dyer ("Eight or Die (Part 2)").
•Non-fiction includes an article by Carrie Sessarego, interviews with RiverFlow, Cat Rambo, and Jennifer Brozek, and an editorial by Neil Clarke.
