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  • Trauma therapy

    By wynbee
    What a horrible thing to have happened, and amazing that Rushdie survived and recovered! However the book, as he admits, is basically self-therapy for his trauma. Seems like a good thing for the injured to write about trauma to overcome it - but it doesn’t seem to do much for the reader. While funny and caustic at times (classic Rushdie), it verges on self-importance, and the “title-dropping” is off-putting. But may he stay safe!
  • Worth It

    By DFS44
    I liked this book, not least because it was short. An essay about how 27 seconds can both forever alter and not alter a life. Rushdie’s view of existence is worth reading. There are strong lines throughout. And, his humor is intact. You feel like you’re reading a great letter from a good friend.
  • Inspiring and so personal

    By tdtunes
    This man’s bravery and optimism after all the challenges faced gives hope to me to face the inevitable End…however it comes, with Love. Wonderful book.
