In the Way - Grace Livingston Hill

In the Way

By Grace Livingston Hill

  • Release Date: 2013-05-06
  • Genre: Romance
Score: 4.5
From 11 Ratings


In the Way by Grace Livingston Hill

Ruth upon hearing that he was to start in three days hastened to carry out one of her own plans for which she had been waiting her opportunity. After consultation with David she dispatched a letter to a firm in her old home, which very soon brought her a large package by express. Her orders had been explicit, and she knew well the man with whom she was dealing, so that the contents of the package was exceeding satisfactory. Joseph started early the next morning, and about an hour afterward there arrived from the village paperers and a painter.
David seemed as interested and happy over the plan as if it were his own. He hovered near while Ruth talked with the painter, and helped him to mix and match tints, and while the package was opened and the paperers went to work with scissors and paste on the smooth rolls of paper. Ruth had ideas, and was very particular. The village painter declared...
