Couldn’t get into
By wtfnicknametaken
Got to page 133 and couldn’t follow it anymore, maybe just too heavy a read for me.
By velvet Search
The writing was extremely stilted. The plot had hope which is why it received a three star rating.
Keeping Posted
By VeniseL
Cherie lives with her grandmother, she calls Nnenne (Igbo for grandmother). The town they live in has two sorts of people: Magikals and non-magikal people. Cherie is tasked to solve a mission, and meets atypical powerful ones along the way.
Snow so white
By i luv reading
Dynamic plot lines. Love the out of the box thinking! Well flashed out characters, the book is great for coexistence of all peoples, not just fantasy lands. Thank you.
New to me but kept me engaged
By ShTaCwn
I hadn’t heard of this series but fell into book 1 quickly! Looking forward to book 2.