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  • Very good

    By TCrosara
    A nice book to show you how to have a different perspective of your life!
  • Very Useful

    By Adriane1987
    I highly recommend this book for anyone who seems to act as their own worst enemy. I know I did, and did not realize it until after I listened to this book on tape. After searching I Tunes for similar books, this book really stuck out to me because of the author's credentials. However, I found myself looking forward to learning more from Shirzad, since his content has helped me differentiate between the negative thoughts that would really bog me down from the constructive ways of thinking that have helped me in my personal and professional life. Shirzad's tone of voice is very comforting, and can enliven the "Sage" in any listener. Please listen to this book, and utilize this knowledge in your lives for your own happiness and success.
  • Inspirational yet Pragmatic: A Must Read!

    By midst9
    What a gold-mine of a book! An extremely useful text for increasing performance, success and happiness. As the author states: much like Sisyphus--the mythological king who was forced to roll a boulder to the top of a hill every day only to watch it roll back down in the evening--our best efforts to achieve our goals or increase our happiness often unravel. Though we frequently try to attribute our failure to others or uncontrollable circumstances, Shirzad Chamine shows in this book that it's usually due to our own self-sabotage. Over the course of his engaging and incredibly pragmatic text, Chamine hammers home the point that though our minds are sometimes our best friends, they are often our worst enemies. He describes our minds as having both Sage and Saboteur powers, each corresponding to different regions of our brains: the PQ Brain (Sage) and the Survivor Brain (Saboteurs). The more we are able to activate our PQ Brain and our Sage, the higher our Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) becomes. Chamine uses numerous research and anecdotal examples to make a compelling argument that people and teams with higher PQ achieve more and are happier across all aspects of their lives. Through both his sound argument and a myriad of my own personal experiences, I believe it! The thing I love most about this book is how serious it is about affecting positive change. It's not some loose framework or a series of things to "think about." It's actually about giving the reader an accessible toolkit to improve the way they experience life, affect their colleagues, and pursue their goals. From tools like Sage Power Games to the Three Gifts Technique, Chamine presents easy-to-do, CEO-tested techniques that actually make a difference. In fact, I've been so pleased with his PQ Reps technique (10 second intervals of returning my focus to my breath and five senses) that I've shared it with multiple of my fellow entrepreneurs, friends, and family. Chamine states at the beginning of the book, "I encourage you to have high expectations for this book...[it] can change your life and be a game-changer for your team. Please don't settle for anything less." I haven't settled and, thus far, it's been a terrific ride!
