Kept me guessing until the end!
By macmarmie
Story had enough detail and unexpected angles that I was surprised at the end.macmarmie
Compares favorably with Conan Doyle
By Left Coast Bob
Almost like a blend of Conan Doyle and Jane Austen. I enjoyed it.
Decent Little Mystery Book.
By Rastus P. Kumquat
It was a relatively easy read mystery book.
Wasn’t too hard to follow. A bit winded at times.
Otherwise was a fun read for me.
Hope others can also enjoy this read.
Historical Mystery
By Paladinplace
Though somewhat predictable, the plot contains twists, and turns to keep the reader interested.
Very good read
By Goodman+
The story moves along quickly, dialogue between the characters lends well to the pace. The chapters of the book are short making the progress of the story easy to read.
There are a lot of misspellings in this version of the book.
By sirFlickka
It’s coolly😭
The Mystery of a Hansom Cab
By Mxpkl
Gotta love the classics.
Family secrets
By Cubanoso
This early mystery is a historical document of life in Melbourne at the end of the 19th century. Gorby, the detective who opens the novel disappears one third of the way in the text. There’s humor and a few red herrings. Great book.
Fabulous story
By Msphyt
So glad I read this story, it was worth it. Very interesting, period in history and the early days of Australia- I knew nothing about this author but mystery from authors of past are always welcome in my book lists!
The mystery of the Hansom cab.
By CP Moo
Considering the time of writing, I thought it was quite good.