Steps to winning lottery. Strategies to win pick 3 and pick 4. How to win Mega millions, Powerball and all lotto games. Winning lottery based on trend calculations. Mathematics of winning lottery games.
Wish me luck
By CandyFBaby
Seems like a really good book I wish I understood it better
By Timb995
Random numbers can't be predicted and this guy literally asks you to buy another book with more "secrets" at the very end.
Waste of time!
By Ssarp1
He just wants you to go and buy his other books which are expensive and probably with the same lackluster information. DON'T DO IT..
Free Lottery book
By My Way of Thinking
It is confusing at best. He keeps saying now you understand something presented without logic. I minored in math so? Was it written in a different language with a poor translation?
Poor grammar, poor explanation.
By Nezello
You cannot get past the poor grammar – the trending examples leave you scratching your head for 31 pages (one page missing). I wish I could get the minutes of my life back wasted on this book...
Awesome info
By Lostinherb
I learn a lot thanks
Great Job
By Jaynie446
Well, I'm a kid and didn't get most of the book but I am thinking of a method that might actually work. You gave me the idea of this method!! Thank you.
The free lottery book
By Hannahone1
This is a good book.
By Sozoice
This made no sense to the layman just wanting to understand a basic way to better their chances playing the lottery. This book caters to a small few excluding the people who really play the lottery regularly. After reading this book I will still play my kids b'days because he showed me nothing else to do.