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    By Pammeone
    Wonder Full, on your seat, can’t wait to get to the next chapter, didn’t let me down book by Paul Doiron. I can’t wait for Summer, every year, because I know a sequel is on its way. I have read them all. Please, please keep writing about Mike Bowditch and his exciting life. I somehow hope he gets back with Stacie, but we will see! I can’t imagine anything happening to Mike, my favorite Maine Game Warden, so don’t rub him out. I live on Canyon Lake in Texas and have had a few dealings with the Texas Game Wardens. I have tremendous respect for all they do, because of your books Paul. Thank you! You are truly gifted... Pamela Painter Ps. I miss Mt Desert, Acadia National Park Atlantic Brewers Summer Ale, so much. It is probably my favorite place in the world other than Texas...
