City of Mages - Kyra Halland

City of Mages

By Kyra Halland

  • Release Date: 2015-10-21
  • Genre: Epic Fantasy


A nightmare come true - Silas is captured by mage hunters. Determined to rescue the man she loves, Lainie braves the perilous crossing through the Gap to follow him and his captors into the mage-ruled land of Granadaia.

There, she discovers a betrayal beyond imagining and a deep-rooted conspiracy that threatens the safety and freedom of the settlers in the Wildings. Alone in a strange land, with no one she can trust, Lainie must find a way to free Silas and put an end to the danger facing their beloved Wildings.

Join Silas and Lainie in an adventure filled with magic, danger, and romance and discover the wonders and mysteries of the Wildings in the epic romantic fantasy-western series Daughter of the Wildings.

Content note: language, violence, and mild to moderate sensual content.
